
Selamat datang di blog Meong.. Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan dimanfaatkan dengan baik.. ^^

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Firasat Pikiran

resah, gundah, gelisah
diterpa angin menimpa lara
bersahutan dengan cahaya
tanpa bahasa

memikul tampah di hati
ada rasa tapi tak kuasa
prinsip tak pula membantu
kala pikiran telah berembun
sampai menghirup debu dari hati
diam tak terdengar

mereka terus berlari
mengejar kepakan sayap di langit
berlomba dengan senyuman
menggapai asa menghapus luka

bercengkrama pada hati
masih terdiam
memikirkan hal tak berpangkal tak berujung
yang ku usahkan
tak berjalan pula
tak ikuti jejak mereka


Aku selalu takut tuk berbicara
niatku selalu ku urungkan kala bertemu engkau
bahkan, tak sanggup bibir ini mengucapkan hal yang seharusnya terungkap
hatiku tersiksa

hingga perih terasa, aku tetap tak ingin berucap
tentang segala hal yang terjadi
yang tak kau beri tahu padaku
sampai misterimu tak kau buka untukku

masih bungkam
kapan ada suara terucap tentang itu?
hatiku menjerit
tak mungkin 'kan kau dengar
dan masih terpuruk olehmu

by: Hani Annisa N.H.

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Perbedaan Liofil dan Liofob


Sol Liofil

Sol Liofob


Dapat dibuat langsung dengan mencampurkan fase terdispersi dengan medium terdispersinya

Tidak dapat dibuat hanya dengan mencampur fase terdispersi dan medium pendisperinya

Muatan partikel

Mempunyai muatan yang kecil atau tidak bermuatan

Memiliki muatan positif atau negative

Adsorpsi medium pendispersi

Partikel-partikel sol liofil mengadsorpsi medium pendispersinya. Terdapat proses solvasi/ hidrasi, yaitu terbentuknya lapisan medium pendispersi yang teradsorpsi di sekeliling partikel sehingga menyebabkan partikel sol liofil tidak saling bergabung

Partikel-partikel sol liofob tidak mengadsorpsi medium pendispersinya. Muatan partikel diperoleh dari adsorpsi partikel-partikel ion yang bermuatan listrik

Viskositas (kekentalan)

Viskositas sol liofil > viskositas medium pendispersi

Viskositas sol hidrofob hampir sama dengan viskositas medium pendispersi


Tidak mudah menggumpal dengan penambahan elektrolit

Mudah menggumpal dengan penambahan elektrolit karena mempunyai muatan.

Sifat reversibel

Reversibel, artinya fase terdispersi sol liofil dapat dipisahkan dengan koagulasi, kemudian dapat diubah kembali menjadi sol dengan penambahan medium pendispersinya.

Irreversibel artinya sol liofob yang telah menggumpal tidak dapat diubah menjadi sol

Efek Tyndall

Memberikan efek Tyndall yang lemah

Memberikan efek Tyndall yang jelas

Migrasi dalam medan listrik

Dapat bermigrasi ke anode, katode, atau tidak bermigrasi sama sekali

Akan bergerak ke anode atau katode, tergantung jenis muatan partikel

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Yui — Che.r.ry lyrics

Tenohira de furueta
Sore ga chiisana yuuki ni natte ita n' da
Emoji wa nigate datta
Dakedo kimi kara dattara wakuwaku shichau

Henji wa sugu ni shicha dame da tte
Dareka ni kitta koto aru kedo
Kakehiki nante dekinai no

... Suki na no yo ah ah ah ah

* koi shichatta n' da
Tabun kidzuite'nai deshou?
Hoshi no yoru negai komete che.r.ry
~Yubisaki de okuru kimi e no messe-ji

Sakura ga saite iru
Kono heya kara mieteru keshiki wo zenbu
Ima kimi ga kanjita sekai to
10(juu)byou torikaete morau yori

Hon no ichigyou demo kamawanai n' da
Kimi kara no kotoba ga hoshii n' da
Uso demo shinjitsudzukerareru no

... Suki dakara ah ah ah ah

* Repeat

Amaku naru kajitsu ga ii no
Nanigenai kaiwa kara sodatetai ah ah ah ah

Koi no hajimari mune ga kyun to semaku naru
Itsu made mo matte iru kara
Haru no tsumetai yokaze ni azukete messe-ji

* Repeat

english version

It shivered in my hand
And it was becoming a little courage.
I didn't like picture letters
But when they were from you, I got exited.

I shouldn't respond immediately
Someone has once told me
But I cant do a give and take.

...Because I love you. Ah ah ah ah

*I fell in love
I think, you haven't noticed?
A starry night I make a wish che.r.ry
Through my fingers I give you an message.

Cherry blossoms are blooming
All the view from this room
I will like to trade it for 10 seconds of what you just felt.

It doesn't mater if it's just one line.
I just want a word from you.
I will still keep on believing even if it is a lie.

...Because I love you. Ah ah ah ah


I want fruit that will sweeten
I wanna grow it from small conversations. Ah ah ah ah

At the start of love my heart closes in like 'kyun'
I will be waiting forever
A message in the cold spring wind



ENAM tahun setelah kelahiran domba Dolly, di tengah perdebatan boleh tidaknya kloning dilakukan, Clonaid-sebuah perusahaan kloning berbasis di Bahama- mengklaim keberhasilannya mengkloning manusia.
Dalam konferensi pers hari Jumat (27/12) di Hollywood, Florida, Direktur Ilmu Pengetahuan Clonaid Brigitte Boisselier menyatakan, bayi hasil kloning itu lahir lewat operasi caesar pukul 11.55 hari Kamis lalu di tempat yang dirahasiakan.
Bayi berberat sekitar 3.500 gram berjenis kelamin perempuan yang diberi sebutan Eve itu, kini dalam kondisi sehat. Bayi itu merupakan kloning dari seorang wanita Amerika Serikat (AS) berusia 31 tahun yang pasangannya infertil.
Para ilmuwan bersikap skeptis mengenai klaim itu. Termasuk Dr Robert Lanza, Kepala Pengembangan Medis dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Advanced Cell Technologies, perusahaan riset genetik yang akhir tahun lalu mengumumkan keberhasilannya melakukan kloning terapeutik.
Menurut Lanza, Clonaid sama sekali tidak mempunyai track record di bidang kloning dan belum pernah mempublikasi satu pun makalah mengenai kloning.
Komentar serupa datang dari Dr Panos Zavos, ilmuwan yang juga berupaya mengkloning manusia. "Boisselier gagal membuktikan klaimnya. Tidak ada kejadian, tidak ada bukti maupun pertanda, yang ada hanya omongan," ucapnya pedas.
Sejauh ini Zavos, mantan guru besar Universitas Kentucky, baru berhasil membuat embrio manusia. Menurut Zavos, saat ini tak kurang dari lima kelompok ilmuwan di seluruh dunia berusaha keras mengkloning manusia.
Ahli fertilitas dari Italia, Dr Severino Antinori, yang awal Desember lanlu mengumumkan bayi hasil kloningnya akan lahir bulan Januari tahun depan juga berpendapat, pengumuman Clonaid tidak didukung bukti kuat, sehingga berpotensi membingungkan masyarakat.
Tekad mengkloning manusia pernah ditegaskan Boisselier, Zavos, dan Antinori awal Agustus 2001 dalam simposium yang diselenggarakan National Academy of Sciences di Washington, AS.
DALAM konferensi pers itu Clonaid memang hanya mengumumkan secara verbal, tanpa menunjukkan bukti berupa foto bayi, nama orangtua, ataupun keberadaan mereka.
Clonaid juga mengklaim empat pasangan lain sedang menanti kelahiran bayi kloning Februari mendatang. Sebelumnya ada 10 pasangan yang berhasil hamil, namun lima pasangan lain keguguran. Saat ini ada 20 perempuan anggota Raelian menunggu giliran untuk implantasi embrio hasil kloning.
Dalam upaya membuktikan klaimnya, Boisselier meminta bantuan Michael Guillen, seorang wartawan freelance, mantan editor sains ABC News yang merupakan ahli matematika dari Universitas Harvard.
Menurut Guillen, ia telah memilih seorang ahli untuk mengambil contoh DNA dari bayi dan ibunya. Contoh DNA itu akan diperiksa oleh dua laboratorium independen kelas dunia. Sejumlah ahli lain akan meneliti kecocokan dari hasil tes contoh DNA itu. Guillen menjanjikan hasilnya bisa didapat satu minggu sampai 10 hari mendatang.
Pemeriksaan DNA dilakukan karena kloning dibuat dengan cara menyisipkan inti sel orang dewasa, misalnya sel kulit, ke sel telur donor yang telah dibuang inti selnya. Sel telur yang telah disisipi inti sel itu kemudian distimulasi agar berkembang menjadi embrio. Selanjutnya embrio dimasukkan ke rahim perempuan agar berkembang menjadi janin.
Jika inti sel dan sel telur berasal dari satu orang kecocokan DNA akan 100 persen. Sedang jika dari orang berlainan, kecocokan DNA dengan pemilik inti sel sekitar 90 persen.
Hal lain yang menyebabkan keraguan para ilmuwan terhadap klaim Clonaid, meski banyak binatang telah dikloning, sejauh ini belum ada yang berhasil mengkloning simpanse atau primata lain yang mirip manusia.
Untuk menggambarkan tingkat kesulitannya, menurut ahli kloning dari Universitas Missouri Dr Randall Prather, keberhasilan kloning pada binatang hanya berkisar satu sampai lima persen.
SELAIN sikap skeptis dan sinis para ilmuwan, pengumuman Clonaid juga mengundang cercaan dari kelompok agama dan Gedung Putih.
"Kloning manusia merupakan penyimpangan. Hal itu tidak menghormati kehidupan dan harus dicegah," ujar Ketua Koalisi Kristen Amerika Roberta Combs.
Juru bicara Gedung Putih Claire Buchan menyatakan, Presiden Bush sebagaimana sebagian besar penduduk Amerika berpendapat bahwa kloning manusia bisa menimbulkan kekacauan. Karenanya Bush mendukung undang-undang yang melarang kloning manusia.
Meski kloning terhadap binatang terus dikembangkan oleh para peneliti di berbagai pusat dunia, tidak banyak ilmuwan yang setuju upaya kloning manusia. Pasalnya, sejauh ini kloning terhadap binatang masih banyak masalah. Binatang hasil kloning kebanyakan mati tak lama setelah dilahirkan dengan pelbagai masalah medis, seperti cacat pada paru maupun sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Domba Dolly pun yang berhasil hidup relatif lama dan diklon ulang tak lepas dari gangguan kesehatan antara lain arthritis.
Clonaid yang berdiri tahun 1997 dimiliki oleh sekte Raelian. Sekte keagamaan itu dipimpin mantan wartawan Perancis Claude Vorilhon yang mentahbiskan dirinya sebagai nabi bernama Rael dan berkeyakinan dirinya merupakan keturunan makhluk luar angkasa yang menciptakan kehidupan manusia di Bumi lewat rekayasa genetika.
Rael sesumbar, kloning hanya merupakan langkah awal yang tidak begitu penting. Tujuan utamanya adalah memberikan keabadian hidup manusia lewat kloning. Yaitu, mengembangkan manusia hasil kloning tempat manusia bisa mentransfer otaknya.
Dengan latar belakang Clonaid dan pendirinya, boleh jadi keraguan atas kelahiran manusia kloning memang beralasan. Namun, waktu jualah yang akan membuktikan, setidaknya 10 hari mendatang.


Pembicaraan seputar masalah kloning akhir-akhir ini senantiasa menarik perhatian masyarakat dan seringkali menjadi sumber berbagai ispirasi, praduga, fantasi, spekulasi, kekaguman bahkan ketakutan, tidak hanya melanda kalangan masyarakat ilmiah melainkan merebak sampai kepada orang awam. Begitu besarnya daya tarik permasalahan kloning sehingga reaksi yang muncul bermacam-macam di segala lapisan masyarakat disertai timbulnya berbagai spekulasi baru dari yang sangat menjanjikan hingga yang paling mengerikan.
Apabila kita coba merunut ke belakang, sebetulnya kloning telah dilakukan sejak berabad-abad yang lalu oleh para pendahulu kita, meskipun mereka tidak menyadarinya bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan termasuk bagian dari kloning yang hingga sekarang seringkali masih kita lakukan. Kita bahkan telah seringkali menikmati hasil kloning tanpa mempermasalahkan apakah yang kita santap tersebut merupakan buah karya dari kloning.
Sekilas Tentang Kloning
Berdasarkan etimologi, istilah kloning atau klonasi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu dari kata Klonus yang berarti ranting, stek atau cangkok. Pada hakekatnya kloning merupakan suatu pembiakan vegetatif atau reproduksi aseksual bertujuan untuk menghasilkan individu baru yang seragam. Individu baru hasil kloning tersebut disebut klon. Kloning pada tumbuhan telah berlangsung sejak lama dan banyak dilakukan khususnya dibidang pertanian dengan tujuan untuk memperbanyak tanaman melalui stek atau cangkok sehingga dihasilkan sejumlah tanaman yang sama sifatnya, Sekarang teknologi Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan (In Vitro) telah berkembang dengan pesat sehingga kloning pada tumbuhan selangkah lebih maju jika dibandingkan dengan kloning pada hewan. Hal ini karena sifat totipotensi sel tumbuhan, baik sel somatik maupun sel embrional pada umumnya lebih mudah untuk melakukan diferensiasi membentuk organ dan individu baru (klon) daripada sel hewan. Disamping itu dampak sosial, etika maupun moral pada kloning tumbuhan selama ini dipandang lebih ringan dibandingkan pada hewan.
Sebenarnya kloning juga seringkali terjadi di alam dan umumnya dilakukan oleh organisme dalam rangka melestarikan jenisnya. Kloning alami tersebut banyak dilakukan oleh organisme uniseluler dengan cara membelah diri (reproduksi aseksual) seperti pada Bakteri, Amoeba, Paramaecium, dan Protozoa lainnya pada kondisi lingkungan yang sesuai, sedangkan pada organisme multiseluler (hewan tingkat rendah) dapat kita lihat pada cacing Planaria sp. serta pada hewan-hewan partenogenetik lainnya seperti pada lebah dan beberapa jenis serangga. Kloning alami pada tumbuhan dapat dengan jelas kita amati pada tanaman Cocor Bebek.
Meskipun reproduksi aseksual (kloning) dapat berlangsung dengan cepat, tetapi tidak selamanya menguntungkan bagi kelestarian jenisnya. Hal ini karena individu yang sama sifatnya umumnya mempunyai kemampuan untuk menangulangi perubahan lingkungan yang sama pula, sehingga apabila terjadi perubahan lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan (drastis), maka besar kemungkinan organisme tersebut akan mati serta musnah jenisnya dari alam. Secara singkat dapat dikatakan bahwa kloning telah terjadi sejak lama di alam dan merupakan sistem alami yang telah tertata dengan rapi sehingga terjadi keseimbangan ekosistem. Pada akhirnya pengetahuan tentang kloning tesrsebut dimanfaatkan manusia untuk memperoleh jenis-jenis tanaman dan hewan unggul, serta diupayakan juga untuk melestarikan tumbuhan maupun hewan langka dari kepunahan.
Perkembangan Teknologi Kloning
Hanya terpaut beberapa bulan setelah keberhasilan koning domba Dolly disusul domba Polly yang telah disisipi materi genetik manusia, dunia ilmu pengetahuan kembali digemparkan oleh keberhasilan kloning sapi jantan yang diberi nama Gene hasil rekayasa perusahaan ABS Global Inc. yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan Ternak yang bermarkas di DeForest, Wisconsin, Amerika Serikat. Meskipun sapi Gene tidak dihasilkan dari sel sapi dewasa tetapi teknologi kloning tersebut memungkinkan dihasilkan sapi dari sel sapi dewasa seperti halnya pada kloning domba Dolly. Kloning pada hewan dimulai ketika para pakar Biologi Reproduksi Amerika pada tahun 1952 berhasil membuat klon katak melalui teknik TGM (Transplanting Genetic Material) dari suatu sel embrional katak ke dalam sel telur katak yang telah diambil intinya, kemudian Mintz (1967) berhasil melakukan transplantasi sel somatik embrional pada stadium blastula dan morula ke dalam rahim seekor tikus sehingga dihasilkan klon tikus, sedangkan Gurdon (1973) melakukan transplantasi nukleus sel usus katak (somatik) yang telah mengalami diferensiasi ke dalam sel telur katak yang telah diambil intinya. Sel telur yang berinti sel intestinum tersebut kemudian berkembang menjadi klon katak. Tahun-tahun berikutnya ditandai oleh sejumlah keberhasilan klon beberapa jenis hewan antara lain babi, kelinci, domba, kera dan sapi yang berasal dari klon sel embrio yang umumnya lebih mudah berhasil dibandingkan mengklon dari sel hewan dewasa (somatik). Bagi kita mungkin bukan keberhasilan kloning Dolly, Polly maupun Gene yang menjadi fokus utama melainkai sebuah pertanyaan besar yang memanti dihadapan kita yaitu Apakah Perlu Kloning Pada Manusia ?
Tinggal Menunggu Waktu
Secara teknologis pembuatan klon manusia bukan merupakan masalah yang utama lagi dan diramalkan akan tercipta dalam kurun waktu 25 tahun mendatang, meskipun dengan biaya yang cukup mahal karena kemungkinan tingkat keberhasilan teknologi tersebut masih rendah. Sebagaimana hal ini terjadi pada percobaan yang dilakukan oleh ilmuwan Ian Wilmut yaitu dari 277 percobaan yang dilakukan pada percobaan kloning tersebut, hanya 29 yang berhasil menjadi embrio domba yang dapat ditransplantasikan ke dalam rahim domba, dan hanya satu saja yang berhasil dilahirkan menjadi domba yang normal. Keberhasilan tim dokter di Rumah Sakit Van Helmont, Belgia yang dipimpin oleh Dr. Martine Nijs dalam mengklon bayi kembar 4 tahun yang lalu adalah salah satu bukti bahwa kloning pada manusia dapat dilakukan. Keberhasilan ini berawal dari ketidaksengajaan Dr. Nijs menggosok permukaan sel telur beku yang telah dibuahi dengan sebatang kaca sehingga sel telur tersebut terbelah menjadi dua dalam rahim si ibu dan kemudian berkembang menjadi janin, disusul dengan lahirnya dua anak kembar. Teknik penggosokan tersebut merupakan salah satu teknik yang sering dilakukan pada kloning hewan percobaan sejak tahun 1980-an.
Keberhasilan demi keberhasilan semakin mendekati kenyataan terciptanya klon manusia, tetapi dampak yang menghawatirkan justru akan menimpa moralitas kemanusiaan. Tidak heran kalau gagasan untuk membuat klon manusia ini mendapat tanggapan keras dari kaum moralis serta menjadi bahan perdebatan diantara para pakar yuridis, politikus, agamawan dan dikalangan para pakar bioteknologi sendiri. Sebagian orang berpendapat bahwa kloning penting untuk mengatasi permasalahan kemanusiaan dan penelitian-penelitian tentang kloning jangan sampai dihentikan. Mereka memandang bahwa teknologi kloning dapat digunakan untuk memproduksi organ-organ tubuh pengganti seperti ginjal, darah, hati , jantung serta organ lainnya yang biasa diperoleh dari donor, sehingga akan membantu setiap penderita yang sangat memerlukannya untuk ditransplantasikan pada tubuhnya. Tetapi sayangnya teknologi ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menggandakan orang-orang jahat.
Satu hal yang paling esensi untuk setiap karya cipta, apalagi menyangkut manusia adalah apapun bentuk teknologinya, maka manfaat yang diperoleh harus lebih besar dari dampak yang ditimbulkannya. Hal ini penting karena dampak yang ditimbulkan dari kloning manusia menyangkut banyak aspek dengan tingkat permasalahan yang sangat kompleks. Sebagai contoh kekerabatan menjadi semakin rumit dan bias, ikatan anak dengan ibu atau anak dengan bapak menjadi lemah. Kemungkinan akan timbul permasalahan seputar kepemilikan organ tubuh maupun anak dari hasil klon. Apakah yang mempunyai hak kepemilikan anak hasil klon itu adalah orang tua penyumbang inti sel (nukleus) ataukah orang tua penyumbang sel embrio yang telah dihilangkan nukleusnya ataukah orang yang mengandung serta melahirkanya ? Demikian juga status kepemilikan klon organ tubuh manusia menjadi semakin ruwet. Apakah pemilik klon organ tubuh tersebut adalah orang yang menyumbangkan sel organnya untuk diklon (donor sel), ataukah organ tesebut milik ilmuwan yang mengklon, atau milik klinik, laboratorium, rumah sakit tempat dia mengklonkan organ tubuhnya atau milik lembaga yang membiayai usaha klon tersebut ? Belum lagi dengan aspek yuridis yang berkaitan dengan perkawinan dan pewarisan manusia klon, serta masalah-masalah lain yang mungkin akan muncul seiring dengan dilaksanakanya teknologi kloning pada manusia.
Meskipun Bioetika mengenai bioteknologi, teknologi reproduksi dan kloning telah dibuat serta selalu diperbaharui oleh banyak pihak seperti badan dunia (UNESCO), Amerika Serikat, negara-negara Eropa, dan lembaga-lembaga ilmiah lainnya, dan kloning manusia diperkirakan baru akan terlaksana dalam kurun waktu 25 tahun mendatang, tetapi alangkah baiknya mulai sekarang kita perlu mempersiapkan aturan-aturan (undang-undang) berikut sangsi-sangsi hukumnya untuk mengantisipasi dilakukannya kloning pada manusia. Karena jika kita cermati secara seksama, maka permasalahan kloning pada manusia akan lebih banyak kesulitan yang muncul sebagai akibat dari dampak sosial, kultural, yuridis, etika dan moral daripada manfaat yang akan kita peroleh, sehingga perlu upaya untuk melarang kloning pada manusia. Menurut hemat penulis teknologi kloning sebagai bentuk perkembangan ilmu seyogyanya tetap dilanjutkan dan diarahkan pada penelitian-penelitian kedokteran untuk mengungkap dan mencari jawaban terhadap berbagai penyakit seperti kanker, penyakit keturunan, dan lain-lainnya. Teknologi kloning juga penting dalam rangka penemuan bibit-bibit unggul tumbuhan maupun hewan serta sebagai upaya untuk melestarikan tumbuhan maupun hewan langka dari ancaman kepunahan.

narrative, the story of love


Once upon a time, there was a small island where LOVE, WEALTH, BEAUTY, SADNESS, JOY, and many others lived next to each other happily, respectfully, and equipping to one another. But one day, a massive hurricane dashed the island and the sea tide started to come in. That small island was about to sink. All the occupants of the island got panicked. “Help.. Help...” They ran here and there. They tried rashly to survive and got out of the island.

LOVE was totally perplexed because she had no boat and she couldn’t swim. “Oh my God, how can I leave this island? I have no boat and can’t swim.” So she stood on the beach side, trying to look for a help. Meanwhile, the tide of the sea getting higher and started to reach her legs. It was WEALTH rowing his boat. “Her, who’s that in the boat?”

“WEALTH! WEALTH! Please help me! I have no boat and I can’t swim. Help me please, WEALTH… let me get into your boat.” LOVE screamed desperately to her neighbor.

But WEALTH, the richest in the neighborhood, replied, “Oh, I’m sorry, LOVE. My boat is full of my treasures and belongings. I can’t take you in, or my boat will sink. There’s no more place for you in my boat after all.” Then he hurriedly rowed his boat away from the island, leaving his agonized neighbor.

LOVE was very sad, “Oh no! This island will sink soon. How can I get help?” But then she saw JOY was passing by with her boat. JOY was singing her favorite song. “JOY! Help me, please…!” LOVE shouted for help. But JOY was too joyful to find that boat that she couldn’t hear hr neighbor’s scream. Her own happiness made her deaf to her surroundings. She went away as the water now was reaching LOVE’s waits. LOVE was getting panicked. “Oh God, help me please, this water’s get higher and higher.” Suddenly she saw BEAUTY, rowing her beautiful boat.

“My dear, BEAUTY, please take me with you! I’m sinking here,” bagged LOVE. “BEAUTY, I know your face is as beautiful as your heart. Help me please…”

But surprisingly, BEAUTY answered, “My God, LOVE, you’re so wet and dirty. I can’t take you into my boat because you’ll dirt this beautiful boat. You know I hate dirtiness. Bye LOVE, so sorry I can’t help.” That boat went away from the island as well.

LOVE was even sadder and started to sob. “What was my fault? Why everyone forgets me?” And as she looked to the sea, she saw SADNESS floating on a raft. LOVE miserably begged, “Oh SADNESS, please take me with you..” sadly, SADNESS said while rowing his raft away, “I’m sorry LOVE, I’m sad now, and I will always be like this. I just want to be alone. I don’t want anyone accompany me. Let me alone.”

LOVE was now totally desperate. Nobody cared about her. She felt the sea is sinking her in no time, but she kept on hoping that there would be someone to save her. She then prayed to God, “My Lord, please help me, what would world be without me, without LOVE..?”

And in that critical time, LOVE suddenly heard a voice, “LOVE, get into my boat now! Hurry! You’re sinking!”

LOVE turned over to that voice and saw a very old man with long beard was rowing his boat to her. Undoubtedly, LOVE jumped into that boat right before a huge wave swapped her down. The old man then brought LOVE to the nearest island before he took off.

At that time, LOVE just realized that she knew nothing at all about that kind old man who rescued her. She then asked someone, “Who was that old kind man who had helped me? Do you know him?”

“Oh, that old man? He’s the TIME,” he said.

Then LOVE asked curiously, “But why did he rescue me? I don’t know him, even my friends and my neighbors who know me well didn’t help me.”

“Hmm... Because it’s only the TIME who knows how much the real value of LOVE is…” that man replied as he vanished, leaving LOVE who’s now starring at the sea.

Selasa, 20 April 2010


Smoke is the collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases[1] emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves, candles, oil lamps, and fireplaces),but may also be used for pest control (cf. fumigation), communication (smoke signals), defense (smoke-screen) or smoking (tobacco, marijuana, etc.). Smoke is used in rituals, when incense, sage, or resin are burned to produce a smell for spiritual purposes. Smoke is sometimes used as a flavoring agent and preservative for various foodstuffs. Smoke is also sometimes a component of internal combustion engine exhaust gas, particularly diesel exhaust.

Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation caused by carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products.

Smoke particles are an aerosol (or mist) of solid particles and liquid droplets that are close to the ideal range of sizes for Mie scattering of visible light. This effect has been likened to three-dimensional textured privacy glass[citation needed] — a smoke cloud does not obstruct an image, but thoroughly scrambles it.

Visible and invisible particles of combustion

Depending on particle size, smoke can be visible or invisible to the naked eye. This is best illustrated when toasting bread in a toaster. As the bread heats up, the products of combustion increase in size. The particles produced initially are invisible but become visible if the toast is burned.

Smoke from a typical house fire contains hundreds of different chemicals and fumes. As a result, the damage caused by the smoke can often exceed that caused by the actual heat of the fire. In addition to the physical damage caused by the smoke of a fire – which manifests itself in the form of stains – is the often even harder to eliminate problem of a smoky odor. Just as there are contractors that specialize in rebuilding/repairing homes that have been damaged by fire and smoke, fabric restoration companies specialize in restoring fabrics that have been damaged in a fire.

Dangers of smoke

Smoke from oxygen-deprived fires contains a significant concentration of compounds that are flammable. A cloud of smoke, in contact with atmospheric oxygen, therefore has the potential of being ignited – either by another open flame in the area, or by its own temperature. This leads to effects like backdraft and flashover. Smoke inhalation is also a danger of smoke that can cause serious injury and death.

Many compounds of smoke from fires are highly toxic and/or irritating. The most dangerous is carbon monoxide leading to carbon monoxide poisoning, sometimes with the addative effects of hydrogen cyanide and phosgene. Smoke inhalation can therefore quickly lead to incapacitation and loss of consciousness. Sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in contact with moisture form sulfuric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, which are corrosive to both lungs and materials.

Cigarette smoke is a major modifiable risk factor for lung disease, heart disease, and many cancers.

Smoke can obscure visibility, impeding occupant exiting from fire areas. In fact, the poor visibility due to the smoke that was in the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire in Worcester, Massachusetts was the exact reason why the trapped rescue firefighters couldn't evacuate the building in time. Due to the striking similarity that each floor shared, the dense smoke caused the firefighters to become disoriented

Chemical composition

The composition of smoke depends on the nature of the burning fuel and the conditions of combustion.

Fires with high availability of oxygen burn at high temperature and with small amount of smoke produced; the particles are mostly composed of ash, or with large temperature differences, of condensed aerosol of water. High temperature also leads to production of nitrogen oxides. Sulfur content yields sulfur dioxide. Carbon and hydrogen are almost completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Fires burning with lack of oxygen produce a significantly wider palette of compounds, many of them toxic. Partial oxidation of carbon produces carbon monoxide, nitrogen-containing materials can yield hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides. Content of halogens such as chlorine (e.g. in polyvinyl chloride or brominated flame retardants) may lead to production of e.g. hydrogen chloride, phosgene, dioxin, and chloromethane, bromomethane and other halocarbons. Hydrogen fluoride can be formed from fluorocarbons, whether fluoropolymers subjected to fire or halocarbon fire suppression agents.

Emission of soot from a large diesel truck, obviously without particle filters.

Pyrolysis of burning material also results in production of a large amount of hydrocarbons, both aliphatic (methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene) and aromatic (benzene and its derivates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; e.g. benzo[a]pyrene, studied as a carcinogen, or retene), terpenes. Heterocyclic compounds may be also present. Heavier hydrocarbons may condense as tar.

Smoke from a bee smoker, used in beekeeping

Presence of sulfur can lead to formation of e.g. hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon disulfide, and thiols; especially thiols tend to get adsorbed on surfaces and produce a lingering odor even long after the fire. Partial oxidation of the released hydrocarbons yields in a wide palette of other compounds: aldehydes (e.g. formaldehyde, acrolein, and furfural), ketones, alcohols (often aromatic, e.g. phenol, guaiacol, syringol, catechol, and cresols), carboxylic acids (formic acid, acetic acid, etc.).

The visible particulate matter in such smokes is most commonly composed of carbon (soot). Other particulates may be composed of drops of condensed tar, or solid particles of ash. The presence of metals in the fuel yields particles of metal oxides. Particles of inorganic salts may also be formed, e.g. ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate. Many organic compounds, typically the aromatic hydrocarbons, may be also adsorbed on the surface of the solid particles. Metal oxides can be present when metal-containing fuels are burned, e.g. solid rocket fuels containing aluminium. Fly ash is composed mainly of silica and calcium oxide. Radioactive particles may be present due to traces of uranium, thorium, or other radioactive isotopes in the fuel.

Smoke emissions may contain characteristic trace elements. Vanadium is present in emissions from oil fired power plants and refineries; oil plants also emit some nickel. Coal combustion produces emissions containing aluminium, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, selenium, and uranium.

Some components of smoke are characteristic of the combustion source. Guaiacol and its derivatives are products of pyrolysis of lignin and are characteristic of wood smoke; other markers are syringol and derivates, and other methoxy phenols. Retene, a product of pyrolysis of conifer trees, is an indicator of forest fires. Levoglucosan is a pyrolysis product of cellulose. Hardwood vs softwood smokes differ in the ratio of guaiacols/syringols. Markers for vehicle exhaust include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hopanes, steranes, and specific nitroarenes (e.g. 1-nitropyrene). The ratio of hopanes and steranes to elemental carbon can be used to distinguish between emissions of gasoline and diesel engines

It seems as if every day, there is another community, group, organization, or individual complaining about cigarette smoke and those who do smoke. It doesn’t matter how many times the government raises the taxes in the name of “child welfare”, people are still going to smoke. There was a big sigh of relief when the money from the casinos was going to help pay for health care and education. What happened to that? Another when the tobacco companies were ordered to pay the states enormous amounts of money to pay for health care. What happened to that? The taxes on cigarettes is raised about every six years. What happens to that? The same thing that happens to every tax the government tells the people what the money is ear marked for, it goes to special projects or causes other than what it was intended for. Does anyone actually believe this tax money will all go to health care for children? What happened to the money Barack Obama promised the states to help pay for health care? Where is that money?
The government, businesses, self righteous groups who think they are going to save and change the world, and petty individuals who have nothing else to do but worry about what other people are doing with their lives, cigarette smoking or something else, have to stop “depending” on the cigarette smokers to fund their agendas.
You are going to have to look at other “vices” people have in order to manufacture your perfect world. Restaurants and bars want to ban smoking in their establishments, because they don’t sell cigarettes, they sell food, beer, and alcohol. But, if there was an increase in the taxes on beer and alcohol, their customers would stop ordering drinks. If there was a doubling of the fees for their license to sell alcohol, they would be crying or quit serving drinks. Then how many customers would they have? Not too many.
You can get off work, or get ready to go anywhere or any open air event, stop at the gas station and buy a case of beer, for about sixteen dollars. The tax on your gas is not as high as a pack of cigarettes. The tax on beer is not as high as a pack of cigarettes.
One bottle of beer cost a customer, wholesale, about eighty cents. Then they charge you, their loyal and good customers, anywhere from two dollars to seven fifty at a Cardinals game, but you cannot sit at their bar, which was built for customers to sit at and drink, and smoke a cigarette and have a conversation while you wait for a table at their over priced, and over rated restaurant. And god forbid you would smoke in an open air ballpark.
Your money and your business is good enough for them as long as they call the “shots.”
Again, figure the math. Twenty four bottles of beer in a case. Add another fifty cents per bottle to the serving cost, that’s another twelve dollars a case the government would receive in taxes. How many cases of beer are being sold at the Cardinal, Rams, and Blues games? How many cases of beer are being sold at all the bars and restaurants downtown before and after each game? With an additional fifty cents in government taxes added to each bottle, that’s a lot of money and would take care of a lot of medical care “for children”. What ever it ends up to be, it would be more than what is collected on cigarettes. But, does anyone think this would actually happen? The civic leaders would say this would drive tourists away, the bars and restaurants would lose business, and people would lose their jobs. There’s always an excuse or explanation.
So, the cigarette smokers are being ostracized and their habit is the only logical choice, the only viable choice, and the only rational choice to tax.
Many low income people smoke. The first of April, their tax relief was to kick in and they will be allowed to take home an additional fifteen dollars a week in their paychecks. That will just about cover the tax increase they have just received for one of the small pleasures they enjoy in life, smoking. Maybe it’s time for an elected representative of the people to speak up and say something. Maybe it’s time for one of them to come up with someone else to tax other than cigarette smokers, or are the lobbyists spending too much money on capital hill?
These communities and businesses who want to ban smoking, that’s fine. If I come, and believe me with this economy it will not be very often, I will not buy a beer at your bar. I will not buy my friends a drink in your establishment. I will order my food, drink water, leave a tip, and go somewhere I can smoke a cigarette, have a good conversation, and drink my drink. To these civic leaders who want to ban smoking in their communities, If I have to buy gas, beer, or anything else, I will go to those communities who do not have their nose in the air. Cigarette smokers are consumers too. Not all our money is spent on cigarettes, but I’ll be damned if I am going to take responsibility for someone’s children. If I wanted kids, I would have made sure I could provide for and take care of them, not ask other people to do it for me. So, the government can add taxes to one of my little vices, people can complain, and communities, businesses, bars and restaurants can tell us we cannot smoke. But that will just stop me from coming to your community, your restaurants, businesses, and bars and spending my money. I can stay home, not fight the traffic, pay for parking, wait for a table or use the restroom, have my friends over, watch the game on t.v., put something on the grill, and smoke. Just like the Great American Smoke Out, there should be one day across the country when cigarette smokers do not buy cigarettes.

In 2003, the assembly voted for a total smoking ban, even though it did not have the power to implement it.

Following that, a special committee of AMs was set up to look at the issue.

Powers to be devolved to the assembly as a result of the White Paper would allow Wales to press on with whatever is recommended by that committee.

Ms Hutt said: "The committee can now proceed confident in the knowledge that we will have the tools to turn its recommendations into reality."

Mr Hain had earlier said that the White Paper would "help the people of Wales live healthier lives".

"It offers a potential blueprint for managing the impacts of smoking, unhealthy eating and for safeguarding the health of future generations by limiting the impact of food advertising on children," he said.

Mr Hain had said any Bill to introduce restrictions on smoking in England would contain clauses that applied in Wales. The clauses would have to be agreed in Westminster before the UK government changed the law.

Smoking in pubs and restaurants has been banned in the Republic of Ireland since March and last week, it was announced by Scotland's First Minister, Jack McConnell, that smoking in enclosed public spaces there would be banned by the spring of 2006.

Pro-smoking campaigners said businesses should be allowed to choose the policy that best suited their staff and customers.

Forest director Simon Clark said: "We support further restrictions but we vehemently oppose what has become a systematic attempt to demonise smokers and their perfectly legal habit."

Among other plans in the White Paper are a ban on junk food advertising before 9pm on TV to protect children and a "traffic light" system showing shoppers how healthy the food they are buying is.

Smoking ban debate

Hutchinson bar owner Sheila Martin contends she would lose 85 percent of her business if lawmakers pass a statewide smoking ban. Martin testified last week before the House Health and Human Services Committee.

Martin's assertion mirrors claims made several years ago by Hutchinson restaurant owners when city leaders debated a smoking ban. Opponents believed at the time that Skaets, one of Hutchinson's oldest and popular restaurants, would lose most of its customer base if smoking was banned in restaurants. That proved grossly untrue; business at Skaets and other Hutchinson restaurants remained robust after the ban went into effect.

Ironically, it was Skaets owner Donna Bartholomew who last week countered Martin's testimony before the same House committee. Bartholomew testified in support of her employees and a healthy work environment.

"You have all these people who are working in that environment for long periods of time." Bartholomew said. "They are generally the people who cannot afford the diseases it's creating."

Unquestionably, Martin and Bartholomew serve different clientele. But even non-smoking bars can remain popular and profitable.

Dan Heimerman, owner of Carl's Bar in Hutchinson, bans smoking at his establishment, but continues to grow his customer base. It should be noted, though, the bar's sandwich offerings and recent move to a new location on Main Street contribute to the business' success and popularity.

The point is that bars can survive - even thrive - without the haze of smoke hanging over customers night after night.

But Martin does have a case to make against the state: Lawmakers should stay out of the smoking ban business. Numerous Kansas communities - without legislative intervention - effectively have fashioned smoking ban ordinances that fit residents' needs and desires. In Hutchinson, restaurants are smoke-free, but customers can light up in Martin's bar and others.

Martin likely has little to fear this year from the state. The smoking ban bill currently being debated in Topeka probably won't make it out of committee, though supporters say they'll continue the fight.

And if Martin wants to continue her fight, she should move to a different soapbox because her theory about financial losses has been debunked.

She can argue, though - and likely gain support - that smoking bans should remain a local issue. Because on that point, Martin is unquestionably right.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Program Aplikasi Pengolah Kata

program aplikasi pengolah kata adalah salah satu program pengolah kata yang dibuat oleh perusahaan Microsoft Coorporation dibawah program paket Microsoft Office, dimana program ini banyak dipilih oleh masyarakat karena sangat simpel dan fleksibel dalam penggunaannya dan fungsinya untuk membuat bentuk surat, artikel, dan karya tulis.

kelebihan Ms.Word:
1. pengoperasiannya mudah dan sederhana
2. mudah untuk memasukkan atau menggabungkan gambar, objek lain ke dalam suatu naskah
3. organisasi atau manajemen file-nya mudah
4. hasil cetakan lebih rapi dan bagus
5. tampilan dengan modus What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG)